Friday, October 11, 2013


                                            Literature, a collective body of literary productions, embracing the entireresults of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also, the whole body ofliterary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to aparticular science or branch of knowledge, or of a given country or period;as, the literature of Biblical criticism; the literature of chemistry .It is                                also class of writings distinguished for beauty of style orexpression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientifictreatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres. 

  1. I used to eat junk foods,
   but now  I prefer fruits and vegetables.

  2. I used to go everywhere,
   but now I prefer to stay in the house.

   3. I used to do nothing,
   but now I prefer to help to my mother.

   4. I used to wake up late in the morning,
   but now I prefer to wake up early in the morning.

   5. I used to watch horror movie,
   but now I prefer to watch comedy movie.

   6. I used to make arts,
   but now I prefer to plant some ornamental plants.

   7.I used to be alone,
   but now I prefer to mingle.

   8. I used to trust everyone,
   but now I prefer to choose who is true to me.

   9. I used to listen in drama,
   but now I prefer to read some books.

   10. I used to purchase branded products,
   but now I prefer for lower price but have quality.

   11. I used to think all my problems,
   but now I prefer to enjoy life.

   12. I used to love color pink,
   but now I prefer to hate it.

   13. I used to drink small amount of water ,
   but now I prefer for more than eight glasses a day.

   14. I used to cook fried foods,
   but now I prefer to prepare vegetable foods.
   15. I used to write all the topics in my notes, 
   but now I prefer to photocopy all the topics.

   16. I used to black ballpen,
   but now I prefer to use blue ballpen.

   17. I used to tune in to love radio,
   but now I prefer happy fm.

   18. I used to pretend,
   but now I prefer to be true to everyone.

   19. I used from being cell phone addict,
   but now I prefer to be addict in watching movie.

   20. I used to wear blouses,
   but now I prefer to use t-shirts.

   21. I used to waste my time everyday,
   but now I prefer to enjoy life.

   22. I used to be quite,
   but now I prefer to be talkative.

   23. I used to change my dress three times a day,
   but now I prefer to change my dress twice day.

   24. I used to read love quotes,
   but now I prefer bible.

   25. I used to apply cebo de macho,
   but now I prefer katialis.
   26. I used to read pocketbooks,
    but now I prefer news paper.
   27. I used to watch movies,
    but now I prefer to watch news.
   28. I used to miss someone,
     but now I prefer to forget him.

   29. I used to wear shorts, 
     but now I prefer pajamas.
   30. I used to please somebody, 
   but now I prefer to keep quite.

   31. I used to go home when the night come's,
   but now I prefer before the night comes.

   32. I used to shift my course,
   but now I prefer to continue it.

   33.  I used to curly my hair,
   but now I prefer  straight hair.

   34. I used to do my assignment in the school,
  but now I prefer to do in the house.

   35.  I used to braid my hair, 
   but now I prefer to ponytail it.

   36.  I used to throw the things that I didn't use,
   but now I prefer to keep all those things.

   37.  I prefer to hang my clothes, 
   but now I prefer to fold it.

   38.  I used to be contented, 
   but now I prefer to dream high.

   39. I used to criticize someone,
   but now I prefer to stop it.

   40. I used to lay in  bed sheet,
   but now I prefer in cushion.

   41. I used to dawdle in eating time,
   but now I prefer in right time.

   42. I used `to defend my loveone's,
   but now I prefer to keep quite.

    43. I used to be dilirious, 
   but now I prefer to wake up in a dream.

   44. I  used to be dependent, 
   but now  I prefer to be independent.

   45. I used to spent my money,
   but now I prefer to save it.

   46. I used to have desperate in my life,
   but now I prefer to have hope full in my life.

   47. I used to hate him,
   but now I prefer to love him.

   48. I used to be accentric,
   but now I prefer to calm down.

   49. I used to go in church sometimes,
   but now I prefer every sunday.

   50. I used to emulate some person,
   but now I prefer to the one that is true to herself/himself.


   1.What a beautiful country!
   There have peace and love.
   That everyone makes happy.
   2.Small electricfan,
   giving me a little air
   in my dressing room.

  3.Don't have money to
   spent for fruits but I have a
   money for junk foods.

  4.This is a house but 
   not a home and now this is
   a home, not a house.

  5.Every single of
   day, you are always in my
   mind that disturb me.

   6.Every time I see your smile.
   It makes me strong to
   face the world with love and peace.

  7.Strong enough to face
   the world, in giving me an 
   inspiration quotes.

  8.One box of candies,
   that my day is completed,
   with love and freedom.

   9.t is a good day!
   Expected that he will come.
   Excitement with love.

  10.For all the insult,
   never give up and never 
   be hopeless for it.

  11.Contented in my 
   life, makes me accepting to
   realize the truth.

  12.His flat nose and big
   eyes, makes my day happy and 
   truly completed.

  13.In the silent of the night.
   People are at sleep.
   And dreaming for a good life.

  14.In choosing what is the best.
   It is not easy,
   to choose what is the right one.

  15.Thinking for many problems,
   makes my mind dont know
   what to do first in my list.

  16.His angelic face.
   It is full of mystery.
   And no one knows him.

  17.Time was already
   wasted, my heart is full of
   regret and hopeless.

  18.All the things happen,
   has a reason in our life.
   Live to the fullest.

  19.So lonely my heart,
   waiting for someone to come.
   do my counterpart.

  20.What a wonderful
   day! no one in the class
   doing anything.

  21.So crazy this life,
   together with your friends and 
   love ones in sharing.

  22.Addicted in reading of
   entertainment book.
   And it is hard to avoid.

  23.The word I love you.
   Deserving to the one who 
   is truly in love.

   24.When I went away,
   my heart is full of regret.
   No one knows I hurt.

   25.It is so fascinated!
   That he can do it,
   for a beautiful maiden.

   26.This world is full of fake things!
   It makes you happy, 
   from the things that is not true.

   27.To live in this world
   is a chance to live life and
   not wasting of it.

   28. Waiting? Makes his heart
   so lonely in the time of 
   you are not around.

   29. In a thousand word,
   simple solid common sense
   enough to live life.

   30.Like a fairytale.
   Happy, trusted,contented
   these people in love.

   31.Hello and good bye,
   facing the world in your side.
   I can't say farewell.

   32.Whatever the past in her
   eyes, a man still there.
   Accepting for her to love.

   33.Walking in the street.
   The both of them getting shy, 
   to face each other.

   34.Hard to see your eyes.
   Like a candle that melting.
   Makes my heart bit past.

   35.It feels so happy.
   When the angel smile at me.
   Makes my day complete.

   36.For the ten years past,
   he didn't even notice
   that I am alone....

   37.The time was so past.
   In  your presence, makes my lips
   smile for awhile.

   38.There's a smile in my face.
   When you came into 
   my life but just for awhile.

   39.Can you see the world?
   In your small and cute eyes,
   make my heart smile.

   40.You and I feel sad!
   A moment that so lonely.
   Just little more time.

   41.I wasn't afraid
   to be alone because I 
   am always with him.

   42.A water that clear.
   I and everyone dream's for
   it, for a word PEACE!

   43.A refreshment of
   a mixture of sweets, ice and
   milk, it is SYAENNELE.

   44.Being talkative
   in my life but was toungetide
   when you are around.

   45.In feeling happy,
   not knowing that he is there
   for me at a time.

   46.Rose for a maiden.
   All the efforts of the boy.
   Just for the word YES.

   47.He's staring at me,
   and the world stop for a while.
   The time was so past.

   48.There's a regret in
   my heart when I say to him
   "it's time to say bye".

   49.A blink of an eye
   The world is so colorful
   when you are around.

   50.My superhero :')
   To the rescue in all things
   that I'm in trouble.


1. I am not a clothes so you cannot change me. 
    I am not a clothes so you cannot choose what you want.
    I am not a clothes so you cannot wash me.
    I am not a clothes so you cannot hang me.
    I am not a clothes so I cannot cover you in your nakedness.

2. I am not a light so you cannot turn on to me.
    I am not a light so I cannot light your world.
    I am not a light so I cannot help you in times of darkness.
    I am not a light so you cannot turn off me.
    I am not a light so I cannot help you when you need me.
3. I am not a television so I cannot entertain you.
    I am not a television so I cannot inform you.
    I am not a television so you cannot louder me.
    I am not a television so you cannot control me.
    I am not a television so you cannot watch me.

4. I am not an umbrella so you cannot fold me.
    I am not an umbrella so you cannot  use me in times of sunny day
    I am not an umbrella so I cannot help you in times of rainy season.
    I am not an umbrella so I cannot protect you.
    I am not an umbrella so I cannot help you everyday.

5. I am not a picture so you cannot develop me.
    I am not a picture so you cannot display me.
    I am not a picture so you cannot print me.
    I am not a picture so you cannot put me in your pocket.
    I am not a picture so I cannot remind your memories.

6. I am not a water so you cannot put me in refregirator.
    I am not a water so you cannot stir me in powder juice.
    I am not a water so you cannot sterilize me.
    I am not a water so you cannot put me in a glass.
    I am not a water so I cannot fulfill your needs.

7. I am not a cellphone so you cannot charge me.
    I am not a cellphone so you cannot press me.
    I am not a cellphone so you cannot put me in your bag.
    I am not a cellphone so I cannot entertain you.
    I am not a cellphone so I cannot help you to communicate your love one.

8. I am not a toy so you cannot play me.
    I am not a toy so you cannot purchase me.
    I am not a toy so you cannot talk to me like a toy.
    I am not a toy so you cannot hug me.
    I am not a toy so I cannot give you a time.

9. I am not a rice so you cannot put me in rice cooker.
    I am not a rice so you cannot put me in plates.
    I am not a rice so you cannot eat me.
    I am not a rice so you cannot put me in viand.
    I am not a rice so I cannot fulfill your hunger.

10. I am not a book so you cannot cover me.
    I am not a book so you cannot fold me.
    I am not a book so I cannot give you information.
    I am not a book so I cannot entertain you.
    I am not a book so I cannot teach you.

11. I am not a hair so you cannot touch me.
    I am not a hair so you cannot comb me.
    I am not a hair so you cannot curl me.
    I am not a hair so you cannot tie me.
    I am not a hair so I cannot give you more beautiful.

12. I am not a mother so you cannot borrow to me a money.
    I am not a mother so you cannot call me mama.
    I am not a mother so I cannot give you an advice.
    I am not a mother so I cannot give you the total care.
    I am not a mother so I cannot give a good advice.

13. I am not a money so you cannot put me in wallet.
    I am not a money so you cannot put me in your pocket.
    I am not a money so you cannot change me into commodities.
    I am not a money so you cannot deposit me into bank.
    I am not a money so you cannot change me into checks.

14. I am not a flower so you cannot put me in flower base.
    I am not a flower so you cannot put me in a pot.
    I am not a flower so you cannot smell me.
    I am not a flower so you cannot make me a bouquet.
    I am not a flower  so you cannot use me in decoration.

15. I am not a fruit so you cannot eat me.
    I am not a fruit so you cannot slice me.
    I am not a fruit so you cannot wash me.
    I am not a fruit so you cannot touch me.
    I am not a fruit so I cannot give you a vitamins.

16. I am not a door so you cannot knock me.
    I am not a door so you cannot open me.
    I am not a door so you cannot closed me.
    I am not a door so you cannot touch me.
    I am not a door so I cannot give you way.

17. I am not a teacher so you cannot call me ma'am.
    I am not a teacher so I cannot give you an exam.
    I am not a teacher so I cannot give you a quiz.
    I am not a teacher so I cannot give you an assignment.
    I am not a teacher so I cannot teach you.

18. I am not a bag so you cannot put me at your back.
    I am not a bag so you cannot wash me.
    I am not a bag so you cannot brush me.
    I am not a bag so you cannot put me everywhere.
    I am not a bag so you cannot put anything to me.

19. I am not a cologne so you cannot buy me.
     I am not a cologne so you cannot pour me.
     I am not a cologne so you cannot put me in your hanker chief.
     I am not a cologne so you cannot use me.
     I am not a cologne so I cannot give you a good smell.

20. I am not a camera so you cannot use me.
     I am not a camera so you cannot charge me.
     I am not a camera so you cannot put me in your bag.

     I am not a camera so you cannot click me.
     I am not a camera so I cannot give you memories.

21. I am not a slipper so you cannot wear me.
     I am not a slipper so you cannot brush me.
     I am not a slipper so you cannot put me everywhere.
     I am not a slipper so you cannot change me.
     I am not a slipper so I cannot go with you.

22. I am not a sugar so you cannot put me in your coffee.
    I am not a sugar so you cannot put me in a cellophane.
    I am not a sugar so you cannot refill me.
    I am not a sugar so you cannot dissolve me.
    I am not a sugar so I cannot help you to sweetens your drinks.

23. I am not a belt so you cannot put me in your waist.
    I am not a belt so you cannot hang me in nail.
    I am not a belt so you cannot wash me. 
    I am not a belt so you cannot use me.
    I am not a belt so I cannot help you.

I am not a pen tel pen so you cannot buy me.
    I am not a pen tel pen so you cannot put me an ink.
    I am not a pen tel pen  so you cannot use me.
    I am not a pen tel pen so you cannot put me in your bag.
    I am not a pen tel pen so you cannot write me.

25. I am not a window so you cannot close me.
     I am not a window so you cannot paint me.
     I am not a window so you cannot lock me.
     I am not a window so you cannot touch me.
     I am not a window so you cannot open me.

26.  I am not a bread so you cannot eat me.
     I am not a bread so you cannot put me in a coffee.
     I am not a bread so you cannot slice me.
     I am not a bread so you cannot toast me.
     I am not a bread so you cannot pair me drinks.

27.  I am not a fish so you cannot put me in the ocean.
     I am not a fish so you cannot fry me.
     I am not a fish so you cannot eat me.
     I am not a fish so you cannot make me a viand.
     I am not a fish so you cannot slice me.

28.  I am not a foster so you cannot put me in the wall.
    I am not a foster so you cannot display me.
    I am not a foster so you cannot roll me.
    I am not a foster so you cannot paste me in the wall.
    I am not a foster so you cannot buy me.

29. I am not a snake so you cannot kill me.
     I am not a snake so you cannot put me in the zoo.
     I am not a snake so you cannot peel my skin.     I am not a snake so you cannot play ma if I'm died.
     I am not a snake so I cannot afraid you.

30. I am not a sponge so you cannot use me.
    I am not a sponge so you cannot put me an dish washing liquid.
    I am not a sponge so you cannot wet me.
    I am not a  sponge so you cannot wash me into different kinds of utensils.
    I am not a sponge so I cannot help you to wash the different kinds of utensils.

31. I am not a cake so you cannot bake me.
    I am not a cake so you cannot put me in wn oven.
    I am not a cake so you cannot put me en icing.
    I am not a cake so you cannot eat me.
    I am not a cake so you cannot make me a dessert.

32. I am not a chicken so you cannot tie me.
     I am not a chicken so you cannot imprison me.
     I am not a chicken so you cannot give an feeds.
     I am not a chicken so you cannot make me a fried chicken.
     I am not a chicken so you cannot kill me.

 I am not a necklace so you cannot put me in your neck.
     I am not a necklace so you cannot display me.
     I am not a necklace so you cannot keep me.
     I am not a necklace so you cannot put me in your jewelry box.
     I am not a necklace so you cannot give me to someone.

34.  I am not an earrings so you cannot put me in your ears.
    I am not an earrings so you cannot lock me.
    I am not an earrings so you cannot use me.
    I am not an earrings so you cannot buy me.
    I am not an earrings so you cannot put me in your jewelry box.

35. I am not a pants so you cannot wear me.
     I am not a pants so you cannot wash me.
     I am not a pants so you cannot brush me.
     I am not a pants so you cannot fold me.
     I am not a pants so you cannot hang me.

36.  I am not a tennis shoes so you cannot put me a lace.
    I am not a tennis shoes so you cannot wear me.
    I am not a tennis shoes so you cannot brush me.
    I am not a tennis shoes so you cannot put your sock to me.
    I am not a tennis shoes so you cannot ribbon your lace to me.

37. I am not a school shoes so you cannot brush me with kiwi.
    I am not a school shoes so you cannot wear me.
    I am not a school shoes so you cannot put your sock to me.
    I am not a school shoes so you cannot pair me in your school uniform.
    I am not a school shoes so you cannot shine me with the use of kiwi.

I am not a ring so you cannot put me in your finger.
    I am not a ring so you cannot give to someone.
    I am not a ring so you cannot put me in jewelry box.
    I am not a ring so you cannot wear me.
    I am not a ring so you cannot use me.

39. I am not a picture frame so you cannot put me in the wall.
    I am not a picture frame so you cannot display me.
    I am not a picture frame so you cannot hang me in nail.
    I am not a picture frame so you cannot stand me in display table.
    I am not a picture frame so you cannot put me a picture.

40. I am not a robot so you cannot control me.
    I am not a robot so you cannot charge me.
    I am not a robot so you cannot arrange me.    
    I am not a robot so you cannot connect a wire to me.
    I am not a robot so you cannot break me into pieces.

41. I am not an ice so you cannot put me in drinks.
    I am not an ice so you cannot use me shakes and etc.
    I am not an ice so you cannot turn me into pieces.
    I am not an ice so you cannot put me in fish.
    I am not an ice so I cannot melt.

42. I am not a magazine so you cannot throw me.
    I am not a magazine so you cannot recycle me.
    I am not a magazine so you cannot put me under the table.
    I am not a magazine so I cannot entertain you.
    I am not a magazine so I cannot inform you.

43. I am not a washing machine so you cannot on me.
    I am not a washing machine so you cannot put me a water.
    I am not a washing machine so you cannot put me a clothes.
    I am not a washing machine so you cannot off me.
    I am not a washing machine so I cannot turn you.

44.  I am not a medicine so you cannot take me.
    I am not a medicine so you cannot buy me.
    I am not a medicine so you cannot put me in water.
    I am not a medicine so you cannot put me in an refrigirator.    
    I am not a medicine so I cannot help you to be alright.

45. I am not a soap so you cannot use me.
    I am not a soap so you cannot buy me.
    I am not a soap so you cannot melt me.
    I am not a soap so I cannot give you a bubbles.
    I am not a soap so I cannot help you to wash your clothes.

46. I am not a baby so you cannot kiss me everytime you want.
    I am not a baby so you cannot play me.
    I am not a baby so you cannot touch my nose.
    I am not a baby so you cannot hold my hand.
    I am not a baby so you cannot talk to me like a baby.

47. I am not a tree so you cannot climb me.
    I am not a tree so you cannot cut me.
    I am not a tree so you cannot make me a firewood.
    I am not a tree so you cannot make me a charcoal.
    I am not a tree so I cannot give you fresh air.

48. I am not a shirt so you cannot hang me.
    I am not a shirt so you cannot fold me.
    I am not a shirt so you cannot wash me.
    I am not a shirt so you cannot put me in cabinet.
    I am not a shirt so you put me in an fabric conditioner.

49. I am not a facebook so you cannot log in me.
    I am not a facebook so you cannot sign in me.
    I am not a facebook so you cannot like me.
    I am not a facebook so you cannot post me.
    I am not a facebook so you cannot share me.

50. I am not a number so you cannot solve me.
     I am not a number so you cannot count me.
     I am not a number so you cannot add me.
     I am not a number so you cannot minus me.
     I am not a number so you cannot multiply me.


    A young woman that named Maganda was found the real happiness after all the experienced she felt.
    There was a complete and happy family in a simple resident of family Lim. Maganda was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Idianale Lim. They are a good model of complete and happy family. But after nine years, Maganda was already nine years old at that time when Manisilat see the family Lim was a complete and happy family. Manisilat always saw that this family was always very happy in their daily lives. Family Lim is a religious persons. Their motto is "the family that praise togother, stays forever". They are always in church every sunday. Because they are believe that Bathala is always there for them in all the challenges that comes in their life. But one day, family Lim was already broken because of Manisilat. Manisilat used Hukloban to temp Mr. Lim. Mrs. Idianale saw all the things happen. She don't think twice and she make a decision to go somewhere that away from her husband. Mr. Lim told her daughter that her mother was in vacation but their neighbor told Maganda that her mother will never back again in their house. And she ask his father. Papa why do you need to keep the truth? Her father answer the real happen between her mother. And she cry and cry until she realize that she cry so much.
        She hates boys because Maganda thought that all the boys like her father is a liar. Maganda is now 17 years old going to 18, has a beautiful eyes, nose, all in all, she is a beatiful maiden. At school, she has many suitors but she didnt even give a chance to confess one of them. Some of the suitors give up because of the bitter attitude of Maganda. There's only one boy who didn't give up for the sweetest word of Maganda which is  YES. This guy is very handsome that match for the beauty of Maganda. Aside from being handsome, he has a good attitude even though it looks like bad boy. Dumakulem is the name of the guy. And he is also came from rich family. Everyday the guy sent a flowers for Maganda. 
         Maganda felt cheerful every time that Dumakulem show's he's feeling to her but these feeling numbness girl didn't show up that she is happy every time the guy shows his love. After 8 months of effort, Maganda thought that the guy was give up because of taking a long time. One month had past, there's no Dumakulem in her life. She felt alone :c . There's a regret in her heart that she didn't even give a chance for the effort of Dumakulem. When she remember her father she felt again a bitter attitude. Even her heart is feeling alone when Dumakulem left her, now in her heart it's okay. '' I thought that he is different from other boys. And now he just show that they are all the same''. 
          "What a beautiful house!" Tala said. "Yah! right!" agreed by Anagolay. Tala and Anagolay are friends of Maganda who always there in giving her a happy memories. She can smile the world if her friends is there. When her friends got home, the house where she is living is again full of bad memories. Her father got home late at night from his work. Alone in her room, talking to herself, "yah right, this house is nice but this is full of bad memories. The beauty of this house is useless. It is better to live in a simple house but happy family. If I have a family of my own, I prefer to live in a simple house but had a happy family". But she ask herself, "how can I have my family of my own if I didn't give a chance to a guy?".
           "Happy birthday Maganda!" greetings from her father. Maganda always expecting that her b-day is useless without the one who will be surprise to her. Her father is always busy in his work and he don't have time to surprise her daughter. Maganda feeling sad on her b-day when her friends didn't remember her b-day. When she got home, she is feeling sad and tired of thinking why her friends didn't remember her b-day.
               While she's thinking about it, when she open the door, her breath want to stop because of the shocking she was felt. Her father, friends specially Dumakulem is there who are surprising Maganda in her 18th b-day. Because of the regret that she felt when Dumkulem left her. Maganda confess that she had a feeling for Dumakulem because she don't want again that Dumakulem left her again.
              Maganda and Dumakulem always spend their time with each other. They enjoy the life that they have. While Maganda sitting in cradle, she is thinking that life is so wonderful. And asking herself why she wasted the time that Bathala give to her. And she promise to herself that she will never again wasted the time that Bathala give her a chance to live life.